In the Contents section we offer a series of seminar-type lessons on God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit – prepared by Dr. James E. Priest from this, his comprehensive, in-depth study of the reality and nature of God; all of which he prepared especially for StudyJesus.com.

“God’s Fullness” is Dr. Priest’s complete graduate level book, in which he probes the Biblical and theological perspectives of the Godhead in a way that is easily understood by both layperson and specialist. The saga of God’s relationship with man unfolds as a wondrous story of God’s redemptive love and offer of reconciliation to all humanity. A major theme is that one’s view of God will ultimately shape one’s religion and life.

Those who love God never tire of learning more about the One who exceeds all understanding. This is true even though every attempt to more fully comprehend God becomes a reminder that God looms so far above us that our intellectualism is infantile before Him. Over a century ago the English preacher C.H. Spurgeon made an observation that still has power: “He who often thinks of God will have a larger mind than the man who simply plods around this narrow globe.” To examine the nature of God as revealed in God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit is to expand the mind. As one might examine a multifaceted diamond, we seek to examine the Biblical teaching about God from different angles for the light that each reflects.


Part I
The Father As God


God’s Limitlessness
(Introduction – God’s Omnipresence: Our God Is Not “There” in Essence: Introduction, The Fact of It, The Importance of It, Summary – God’s Omniscience: Our God Does Not “Learn”: Introduction, The Question It Raises, The Struggles It Poses, The Explanation It Provides – God’s Omnipotence: Our God Does Not “Wane”: Introduction, His Power Pictured in the Hebrew Bible, His Power Ascribed in His Name,
His Power Reflected in the New Testament, Applications – Notes)

God’s Context for Us
(Introduction – Our God Is Creative: Introduction, Made of the Earth, Made in His Image, Made to Choose – Our God is Historical: Introduction, God outside of History, God within History – Our God Is Moral: Introduction, The Truth Affirmed, The Truth Imposed, The Truth Implemented – Notes)

God’s Relationship with Us
(Introduction – Our God Is Revelatory: Introduction, Revealed in His Communication, Revealed in His Covenant, Revealed in His Acts and Words, Revealed in the Prophets, Revealed in His Son – Our God is Inspirational: Introduction, His Influence on Us, His Inspiration of the Bible – Our God Is Loving: Introduction, His Love Described, His Love Extended, His Love Demonstrated – Notes)

God as Father
(Introduction – How is God Our Father?: Introduction, An Eternal Father, A Creative Father, A Universal Father, A Selective Father – God as Our Spiritual Father: Introduction, The Problem of Separation, The Process of Preparation, The Process of Revelation, The Plan of Redemption – Notes)


Part II
The Son As God


Before the Incarnation
(Introduction – The Son as the Wisdom of the Father: Introduction, As Taught in the New Testament, As Reflected in Redemption, As Displayed in Creation, As Described in Proverbs 8:22-31, As Affirmed in “Progressive Revelation” – The Son as the Power of the Father: Introduction, The New Testament Teaching,
“In the Beginning”, The Term Logos, The Hebrew Bible Teaching – Notes)

His Deity after the Incarnation
(Introduction – Biblical Terms Reflect the Son’s Deity on Earth: Introduction, The “Son of God”, The “King”, The “Messiah” – His Self-Awareness Reflects the Son’s Deity on Earth: Introduction, His Knowledge of His Relationship with His Father, Did Others See Jesus as Deity?, His Awareness of His Divine Knowledge – His “Timetable” Reflects the Son’s Deity on Earth: Introduction, How Jesus Concealed His Identity, How Jesus Revealed His Identity, The “Son of Man” – The “I Am” Statements Reflect the Son’s Deity on Earth:
Introduction, His Deity Affirmed, His Deity Confirmed – Notes)

His Humanity after the Incarnation
(Introduction – His Humanity As Evidenced outside the Bible – The Baptism of the Son: Introduction, What Was the Baptism of John?, Why Was Jesus Baptized by John?, What Lessons Do We Learn from the Baptism of Jesus?, What Does It Mean to Follow in the Steps of Jesus? – The Temptations of the Son: Introduction, Winning by a Miracle versus Winning as a Man, Winning by Trusting God versus Winning by Tempting God, Winning by a Compromise versus Winning by a Cross – The Miracles of Jesus’ Ministry – Many Worshiped Jesus – Jesus and Demons – Notes)

The Triumphant God/Man
(Introduction – Jesus’ Physical Aspect: Introduction, Jesus’ Body, Jesus’ Emotions, His Love, His Compassion, His Anger, His Curiosity – Jesus’ Spiritual Aspect: Introduction, His Spiritual Nature Defined, His Spiritual Nature Exhibited, His Life of Prayer, His Death at Calvary – The Culmination of Jesus’ Humanity:
Introduction, His Death, His Resurrection – Notes)

Excursus: Historical Background for Bible Study
(Introduction – Gnosticism – Reformation – Renaissance – Scientific Humanism – Critical Biblical Studies – Reactions to Scientific Rationalism – Technology and Faith – Back to the Bible – Notes)

Part III
The Spirit As God

(Introduction: The Essence of God, The Distinctiveness of Persons within the Godhead)

Explaining the Trinity: A Frontline Battle
(Early Struggles – The Canonized Bible Emerges – Internal Struggles – The Ebb and Flow of Trinitarian Thinking – From Then till Now – Notes)

Holy Spirit Portraits in Scripture
(Hebrew Bible Perspectives – The Holy Spirit as a Person – Personal Characteristics of the Holy Spirit – Attributes of the Holy Spirit – The Person of the Holy Spirit Cannot Be Parceled – Notes)

Relationships of the Holy Spirit
(The Holy Spirit and Jesus – The Holy Spirit, Jesus, and His Disciples – Notes)

The Holy Spirit and His Gifts
(Reception, Distribution, Purpose – Termination of the Miraculous Gifts – Notes)

The Holy Spirit and Christians Today
(His Presence: Nonmiraculous and Indwelling – His Work through the Word –
His Work through Providence – Notes)


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