Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

The Bible teaches us that if you are good boys and girls, someday God will let you come and live with Him in happiness, forever. That will be wonderful and I want that more than anything in the world for you and all our family.

The very first verse of the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Have you ever wondered why the first book of the Bible is called “Genesis?” It is because Genesis means “beginning.” In six days God made everything that has been made on earth. He made the animals, plants, birds, and fish of the sea.

Let’s talk about where man came from in the very beginning. In Genesis 1:37 the Bible says, “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him: male and female created He them.” In the second chapter of Genesis, we are told more about how God made man out of the dust of the earth. He caused man to go into a deep sleep, and took a rib from his side, and from this rib He made woman. The first man was called “Adam” and his wife, “Eve.” When you are asked where man came from you can say, “God made man and his wife. The Bible says so in Genesis.”

There is no better reason than, “God says so.” Always remember that no matter what the subject, if God says something, God is right. People may tell you something else, but God is always right, and His words are in the book we call the “Bible.”

God divided the waters and dry land came forth from beneath the water. God made the sun, and the moon, and the stars. He made all the rivers and seas and oceans. He made the big whales and the tiny minnows. He made elephants, lions, tigers, snakes, monkeys, and the wheat and grass so green. God made everything.

He commanded His creation to bring forth after its own kind, and so we have people having babies, lions having little lions and fish producing fish. When Daddy or Mother plant a garden they grow many kinds of vegetables. Each plant produces its own kind. Corn produces corn, wheat produces wheat, and potatoes produce potatoes. That is the way it has always been because God planned it that way.

When did God create everything?

What did God make first?

What does “Genesis” mean?

How many days did God use to make everything?

In whose image did God make man?

From what did God make man?

Is God always right on everything?

Who made the sun, moon, and stars?

What great command did God give to the things He had made?

Why are Mother and Daddy’s plants producing the same things they planted in the garden?

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