Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

When God made Adam and Eve, He put them in the Garden of Eden. There was a wicked serpent living there. The serpent could talk. He came to Eve and asked, “Hath God said, ‘Ye shall not eat of any tree of the garden?’”

Eve told him they could eat of all the trees in the garden except the one in the middle. She also told the serpent if they ate of that tree, they would die. The serpent called God a “liar.” He said, “Ye shall not surely die.” He told her that God knew if they ate of that tree, they would become as God themselves. Oh! That mean serpent caused Eve to start thinking about the tree.

She wondered whether the tree was good for food. It was really beautiful to look at and the serpent said it would make her wise. Eve ate of the fruit and gave some to Adam, and he ate it also. Was it an apple tree, a pear tree, or a peach tree? The Bible does not say. It does tell us that it let them know good and bad.

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit they learned they did not have any clothes on, so they sewed fig leaves together and made some aprons. But then, guess what? Adam and Eve heard God walking in the garden, and they hid from him. God called Adam, “Where are you?”

Adam answered and said they were naked and afraid. That was why they hid. God asked Adam if they had eaten of the forbidden tree. Adam said, “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me and I did eat.” Eve said she had been deceived by the serpent, and that was the reason she ate.

God then told the serpent he would have to crawl around on his belly and eat the dust of the earth. He would bruise the heel of the seed of the woman, but the serpent’s head would be bruised. That mean serpent is the Devil.

God told Eve that she would have children in pain, a lot of pain. He also told Eve that Adam, her husband, would be her ruler. Many women do not like what God has said, but God’s Word is final. Who is the “boss” at your house? Better not answer that, children, but think about God’s way.

God told Adam the ground would be cursed with thorns and thistles. Adam would have to earn his living by hard work and there would be sticking briars to hurt his hands as he worked. He also told Adam that he would go back to the ground because out of it he was taken. This means that God made Adam out of the things in the ground. When we die we go back to the ground, but our spirit lives on. It lasts forever, so that part of people does not die.

1. Who came to the woman?

2. Was the serpent good or bad?

3. What did the serpent want the woman to do?

4. Did the woman eat of the tree?

5. Did she give some to Adam?

6. Who came to the garden?

7. Whom did Adam blame for his eating?

8. How would the serpent have to move?

9. With what was the earth cursed?

10. What was man made of

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