Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

Hi there. How about giving the one telling you this story a big hug around the neck? That would be a nice thing to do.

This time I want to tell you about a man named Abram, whose name God changed to Abraham. This man had a wife by the name of Sarai, and God changed her name to Sarah.

God told Abraham to leave his father’s home and his own home, and go to a place he had never been before. We call that a strange land. God told Abraham that some day He would give this new land to his descendants who would live there in the future.

The Bible tells us that Abraham arose and went. He did not argue with God, or fuss about it. Abraham was a man who believed what God said, and wanted to do what God asked. That is the best way to live.

When Abraham was 100 years old, and his wife was 90, they had a little boy, and they called his name Isaac. The name “Isaac” means “laughter.” Sarah was so happy about the boy that she said God made her laugh, and all who heard about Sarah’s boy would laugh with her. It’s good to be wanted by your mother and father. Good mothers and fathers are two of the very best things we can have on this earth.

God told Abraham that all of the nations of the earth would be blessed through Isaac. God made that blessing come about. A long time after that, Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth. Jesus came to earth as a descendant of Isaac. He came to take away sins. This is a great blessing. Sinful people cannot enter heaven.

Abraham was faithful to God in all that God told him. He is called “the father of the faithful.”

Abraham lived to be 175 years old. There are many other wonderful things we could tell you about him. We can grow up to be the same kind of faithful person that Abraham was.

Drawing to Color


1. What did God change Abram’s name to?

2. What did God tell Abraham to do?

3. Did Abraham know where he was going?

4. Did Abraham complain or fuss about it? 

5. How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?

6. Who was to be blessed through Isaac?
7. In whom was this blessing fulfilled?

8. What did Jesus come to take away?
9. What was Abraham later called?

10. How old was Abraham when he died?

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