Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

Here we are ready for another Bible story told just like the Bible tells it. Don’t you love to hear Bible stories about nice people who lived long ago?

This is the story of how Isaac got his wife. Today a man dates a girl or woman and the first thing you know, they are in love and get married. That is not the way it was done when Isaac was a young man. The parents selected a wife for their son.

Abraham was getting old, and Isaac was not married. Abraham called his servant and told him to go back to Abraham’s own country and get a wife for his son, Isaac. After some talking, the servant agreed to go, and away he went with camels and gold and much riches.

When the servant got to the land, he prayed to God. He asked that the young lady whom he would ask for a drink would give him one, and also that she would water his camels. About that time Rebekah came with a pitcher of water. The servant asked for a drink, and Rebekah gave it to him, and also drew water for hi s camels. The servant watched her until she was through, and then asked who she was and if there was room for him and his camels to stay with them. He also gave Rebekah a gold ring and two gold bracelets.

Rebekah went hurrying to her home and told what had happened. Laban, her brother, went rushing out to meet the man and invited him in to stay with them.  After they had fed the camels, and sat down to eat, Abraham’s servant said he would not eat until he told them why he was there. So the servant told them about Abraham and his desire to find a wife for Isaac. He also told them about his own prayer to God, and how Rebekah had been an answer to that prayer.

Rebekah’s family told him the matter proceeded from God and they could not stand in the way of it. They said he could take Rebekah for Isaac’s wife. Abraham’s servant gave them many nice gifts, especially to Rebekah. The next morning the man asked to be sent on his way with Rebekah. They wanted him to wait a few days. They asked Rebekah and she said she would go, so they set out for home and Isaac.

After a long journey, they saw a man approaching them. Rebekah asked the servant who this man was, and he told her was his master, Isaac. Rebekah put a veil over her face, and then she met Isaac. They were married and two sons, called Esau and Jacob, were born to them.

This is a good story. It is different from the way we meet and marry today, but it worked out well, because Isaac loved Rebekah very much. It is always nice when Papa and Mama love each other very much.

1. Who called his servant?

2. What did he want his servant to do?

3. Where would he get this wife?

4. Did the servant agree to go? ­

5. Whom did the servant find at the well?

6. Had the servant talked to anyone about this?
7. To whom had he talked? ­

8. What did Rebekah do for him?

9. Did Rebekah want to become Isaac’s wife?

10. Does the Bible say that Isaac loved Rebekah?

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