Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

This story is about Esau and Jacob, the sons of Isaac and Rebekah. They were twins. They were born at the same time. In fact, Jacob was born holding Esau’s heel. Jacob means “one who takes by the heel.”

When these boys became men, Esau was a man of the field, a hunter. Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. One day Esau had been out hunting and had no food. He was hungry. Esau came in and found Jacob cooking. Esau asked Jacob for food, but Jacob would not let him have it until Esau sold him his birth right. A birthright was a very precious thing and should never have been sold. The Bible says that Esau despised his birthright.

Rebekah loved Jacob more than she loved Esau, but Isaac loved Esau more. One day Rebekah overheard Isaac telling Esau to go hunting, find some venison and make a savory meat. Isaac said he would bless Esau. Isaac thought he was going to die, and wanted to bless Esau before he died.

Rebekah told Jacob to go to the flock and get two little goats. She promised to make the savory meat for Isaac, and Jacob would get the blessing. At first Jacob did not want to do this, but his mother persuaded him.

Rebekah fixed the meat for Isaac and put some of Esau’s clothes on Jacob. She took the goat’s hair and put it on Jacob’s hands and neck. Esau was a very hairy man and they wanted Jacob’s hands and arms to feel like Esau’s skin. This was to fool Isaac into thinking Jacob was Esau.

Jacob took the meat and went to his father. His father wanted to know why he was back so soon. Jacob said God had given him “good speed.” Isaac was blind, and fearing something was wrong, had Jacob come near so he could feel of his skin. When he had done so he said, “The voice is Jacob’s voice but the hands are the hands of Esau.” Isaac asked again if this was his son, Esau. Jacob said yes. His father ate and drank the food prepared, and then blessed Jacob, thinking that he was blessing Esau.

After this, Esau came in with food for his father. Esau was very sad and angry when he learned what had happened. Esau decided that when his father died, he would kill Jacob. Rebekah learned about this. She went to Isaac and persuaded him to send Jacob back to her brother, Laban, to get a wife. Isaac did as she asked.

Jacob did a mean thing. He paid for it many times. He played a bad trick to get the blessing. Later, Jacob was fooled many times by his father‑in‑law, and even by his own sons. Bad things come right back one way or the other. Let’s always be good boys and girls and expect good things to come to us.

1. How many sons did Isaac and Rebekah have?

2. What were their names?

3. Which one did Rebekah love more?

4. Should fathers and mothers love one child more than another?

5. Was it right for Jacob to steal Esau’s blessing?

6. Was it right for Rebekah to fool her husband?

7. Was it right for Rebekah to ask Jacob to do wrong?
8. What did Esau plan to do about Jacob?

9. Where was Jacob sent to get a wife?

10. Is it ever right to do mean things?

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