Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

We left Joseph in Egypt in our last story. A man by the name of Potiphar bought him. Things went well for awhile because God was with him. God made everything Joseph did pleasing to Potiphar. Potiphar turned everything over to Joseph to care for as it pleased him. Then the devil went to work.

Potiphar’s wife wanted Joseph to do a very bad thing, but Joseph refused. She kept right on after him and one day she caught hold of him and was going to make him commit this terrible sin. Joseph got away from her, but she held on to his cloak. When her husband came home, she accused Joseph falsely. Potiphar believed what his wife said.

Potiphar was so angry that he had Joseph thrown into prison. Sometimes people suffer wrong because somebody else was mean. That is what happened to Joseph. Joseph was in prison but God did not forget him. God never forgets people who are living right.

The man who was keeper of the prison liked Joseph and placed him in charge of the prison. We would call him the prison keeper or jailer. Joseph did so well that the prison keeper trusted him with everything that went on in the prison. Joseph did a good Job no matter what was asked of him.

Joseph did well because he always tried to do the things that pleased God. God is pleased with obedience. Joseph was a good man and God loved him.

While Joseph was in prison, two other men were there. They were the king’s butler, and baker. Among other chores, the butler served the king drinks. The baker was his cook. These men had dreams and they told Joseph about them. He told them what the dreams meant, and the things that Joseph said would happen, did happen. The butler was brought back to serve the king, but the baker was put to death.

Joseph asked the butler to remember him to the king, but the butler forgot about Joseph for two years. One day something happened that made the butler remember Joseph; something that would get Joseph out of prison and bring him right up next to the king.

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1. Who bought Joseph in Egypt?

2. Who wanted Joseph to sin?

3. Did Joseph do this bad thing?

4. Who told a bad story on Joseph?

5. What did Potiphar do with Joseph?

6. How did Joseph get along in prison?

7. Who really had charge of the prison?

8. Who else was put in prison?

9. What did Joseph do for the butler and baker?

10. Who forgot Joseph for two whole years?

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