Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

In our last story Joseph had become assistant to the king of Egypt, and whatever he commanded was done. Joseph stored up grain and food for the time when the ground would be barren and they would have no grain or food from the ground.

The seven good years were over and the seven bad ones had started. The folks all around were getting hungry, even over in other countries. Jacob and his family were getting low on food, too. He said to his sons, “Why look ye one upon another?” In other words, “Why don’t you do something about food?” Jacob said there was food in Egypt and sent them there to buy some.

When Jacob's sons arrived in Egypt, Joseph recognized them, but they did not recognize Joseph. Joseph remembered his dreams, and how they had treated him by throwing him into a pit and then selling him into slavery. He accused them of being spies. They said they were not, but had come to buy food. His brothers also told Joseph that they had one brother at home, and one brother “is not.” They explained that he was dead, or so they thought.

Joseph put them in prison for three days, and then released them. He said he would find out if they were good men. He would keep one of them in prison and send the others home, but his brothers were not to come back without their younger brother. His name was Benjamin. Joseph said if they could not bring Benjamin back with them, they would not see their brother again.

The brothers began to talk and said they were guilty because they had mistreated Joseph. Reuben said, “Did not I tell you not to sin against Joseph, but you would not listen, and now his blood is being required of us.” They did not know that Joseph could hear and understand what they were saying. He turned from them and cried.

Joseph bound Simeon and held him before his brothers’ eyes. He sold them grain and sent them away. He had commanded that every man’s money be returned to his sack. On the way home one brother opened his sack to feed his animal, and found his money. All of his brothers were afraid. When they arrived home they all found their money, and were afraid. They told Jacob all that had happened and about Simeon being kept in prison.

Later the brothers returned to Egypt for more grain. Jacob did not want to send Benjamin. Judah promised to bring Benjamin back. Jacob sorrowfully let them go.

Drawing to Color

1. Whose family was in need of food?

2. Where did Jacob send ten sons?

3 Who saw them when they arrived?

4. Where did he put them?

5. What did he call them?

6. How many brothers did Joseph send back home?

7. Which one was in prison?

8. Who must return if they were to see Joseph?

9. What did they find in their grain sacks?

10. Who persuaded Jacob to allow Benjamin to return with his brothers?

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