Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

Scripture Reading: Exodus 2:11-22

We do not know much about the boyhood of Moses. We do know as the grandson of Pharaoh, he had the best education Egypt could offer. When Moses became an adult, he had to choose between being the son of a princess or being an Israelite.

One day Moses went to visit his brethren. He saw them laboring under difficult conditions. He saw an Egyptian man hitting one of the Hebrew workers. Thinking no one was watching, Moses killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand.

The next day Moses found two of his brethren fighting. He said to one, “Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow?” The man replied, “Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? Thinkest thou to kill me as thou killest the Egyptian?” Realizing that others knew of his action, Moses became frightened. He fled Egypt and went into the land of Midian.

Moses is an Old Testament character. Yet the New Testament writers have several things to say about him. In Hebrews 11:24‑26, we learn that Moses chose to defend and help his people as a matter of “faith.” He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to share the ill treatment God’s people received, rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin which the Egyptians could provide. Moses counted the rewards of God better than the rewards of sin. He could have been very rich, wealthy as a king, but Moses knew it would be better to be a humble servant of God. He wanted God’s reward.

In Acts 7:25, Stephen states that Moses thought the Hebrew people would understand he was being used by God to provide relief and deliverance from Egyptian slavery. The people did not understand; so instead of keeping the killing of the Egyptian quiet, the news was scattered and Moses was forced to flee for his life. Hebrews 11:27 says he did not fear the wrath of the king but good common sense told him it was best to leave Egypt. The king tried to find Moses to kill him, but could not.

Later, in the land of Midian, Moses was near a well. The daughters of Reuel came to water their sheep. Shepherds tried to drive them away, but Moses defended them. Their father wanted to know why they arrived home so early. They told him of Moses’ help. They brought Moses into their home and Reuel gave Moses his daughter, Zipporah, for a wife. She became the mother of two sons, named Gershom and Eliezer.

1. Where did Moses grow up?

2. Moses refused to be called the son of

3. What bad event did Moses witness?

4. How did Moses react?

5. Did anyone see Moses?

6. Who wanted to kill Moses?

7. Where did Moses go?

8. In whose home did he live?

9. Who did Moses marry?

10. Their son’s names were_____________________________ and ______________________________

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Observations for Parents and Children
1. When put to the test, Moses made the right choice. God’s way is always the right way. God keeps his promises and provides the rewards.

2. As a young man of forty, Moses was going to deliver the Israelites from slavery, single‑handedly. Years later he was not nearly so sure of himself. When we go with God, we can walk on firm ground, with a sure step.

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