Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

Scripture Reading: Exodus 8:20-10:29

Through Moses, God warned Pharaoh that if he failed to let Israel go worship, he would send swarms of flies on the people of Egypt. The flies would not, however, go into the land of Goshen where the Israelites live. Pharaoh would not let Israel go, so the flies came. They swarmed into the houses of Pharaoh’s servants and all of his people. They went everywhere. The whole land of Egypt was infested with the flies – a terrible thing to endure.

Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and made a proposition. They could go worship God in Egypt, but Moses turned that down. It was not what God wanted. In addition, Moses knew their sacrifices would anger the Egyptians and endanger the lives of the Israelites. Pharaoh then offered a second compromise, they could go worship God in the wilderness, but not go far away. Moses told Pharaoh not to deal deceitfully any more in not letting Israel go. The flies were taken away, but Pharaoh again refused to let them go.

God sent murrain into Egypt, killing their cattle, but Israel’s cattle were not touched. The Bible says, “The heart of Pharaoh was stubborn, and he did not let the people go.” Next God sent boils on the Egyptians and their cattle, but none were on the Israelites. One boil can be very painful. Boils on the entire body head to toe, would be almost unbearable.

Moses warned Pharaoh that more was to come. God would bring Pharaoh down from his high exaltation against God’s people. Next came hail along with fire and thunder. This was too much for Pharaoh. He confessed he and his people had sinned and were wicked. Moses announced the hail, fire and thunder would cease, but he knew the Egyptians had not yet learned the fear of Jehovah.

A plague of locusts was threatened. Pharaoh’s servants asked, “How long shall this man be a snare unto us? Let the men go, that they may serve Jehovah their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed?”

When this proposition was made, it was turned down since God intended that not just the men, but every Hebrew with all their possessions should be allowed to leave Egypt. Because Pharaoh continued to refuse, the locusts came and destroyed the vegetation that was left, and again Pharaoh asked for relief. God took away the locusts, but when they were gone, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened again.

God responded with another plague. A thick darkness settled over the land. For three days the Egyptians stayed in their houses and were unable to go about their business. This time Pharaoh said the Hebrews could go but not take their flocks and herds with them. This was not acceptable with God. In his wrath, Pharaoh told Moses, if he saw his face anymore, Moses would die. Moses warned Pharaoh of the last plague and said the Egyptians would come and beg him to leave. Moses went out in hot anger.


7. After the fourth plague what proposition did Pharaoh make and did he live up to the plan?

8. What further compromise did Pharaoh make and did he keep the promise?

9. What word does the Bible use to describe Pharaoh’s heart?

10. After the seventh plague, what did Pharaoh confess?

Observations for Parents and Children
1. Pharaoh offered four compromises: (a) worship God in Egypt; (b) go, but do not go far, (c) the men may go; and finally, (d) all may go, but leave your flocks and herds. The compromises were not acceptable. God does not deal in compromises.

2. The devil also offers compromises. In effect he says, “Worship God, but don’t really get involved very much in the Lord’s work.” If we accept this compromise, Satan has us under his control.

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