Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

Scripture Reading: Exodus 18

When the young Moses had fled Egypt in fear, he went into the land of Midian. He lived in the home of Jethro and married Jethro's daughter, Zipporah. When Moses returned to Egypt, Zipporah started with him, then went back home. Exodus 18 tells of Jethro bringing Zipporah and her two sons to Moses after their coming out of Egypt.

Moses went out to meet his father‑in‑law. He was glad to see him. Jethro was happy over the good things that God had done for the children of Israel. He said, “Now I know that Jehovah is greater than all gods” and then he worshipped God through offerings of sacrifices to God.

Jethro watched as Moses sat to judge between the people and how Moses was the only one to hear all the problems and give forth the law of God to the people. Jethro advised Moses that keeping the people standing, waiting from morning to evening was not good.

Jethro’s advice helped Moses and the people. Jethro recommended rulers of thousands; rulers of hundreds; rulers of fifties; and rulers of tens. Those selected were to be men of ability, that feared God and men that loved truth and hated unjust gain (bribery). These men were placed over the people. When any problem was too hard for the ruler of ten, he could carry it to the ruler of fifty, he in turn could take the problems too hard to the ruler of a hundred, and ultimately to the ruler of one thousand. Problems still in dispute could then be taken to Moses. This protected both the people and Moses from undue stress from the many problems that would come up for consideration.

Today’s system of courts is patterned after the system Jethro gave to Moses. Since Moses was in direct contact with God, he would be the last appeal. Moses could give God’s direction in the matter.

Before these men could take office and serve as rulers, they had to study under Moses. He taught them the laws of God and how to judge properly. Judges must know the law so the innocent will be protected, and the guilty punished.

Moses wanted Jethro to stay and be a guide to Israel through the wilderness, but Jethro wanted to return home. They said their “goodbyes” and each went his way. Moses led Israel and Jethro returned to his people.

1. Whom did Moses go meet?

2. How did Jethro feel about all the good God had done for Israel?

3. What did Jethro do for God?

4. What did Jethro see Moses doing, and did he like what he saw?

5. How long were the people waiting?

6. What four kinds of rulers did Jethro suggest?

7. What did Jethro want to do?

8. What did they have to study?

9. What did Moses want Jethro to do?

10. What did Jethro want to do?

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Observations for Parents and Children
1. No one man can make successful marathon judgments. It is best to have several levels of judgment for decision making.

2. In a free society local courts appeal to district courts, who in turn appeal to the Supreme Court. Society’s basic laws are found in God’s original system given through Moses.

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