Mother’s Helper / Daddy’s Helper

Scripture Reading: Exodus 32

Moses was on Mt. Sinai to meet God and receive the two tables of stone which contained the commandments written by the finger of God. Back in camp things were going on which Moses would not have approved.

Moses had been gone a long time, and the people did not know what had become of him. They went to Aaron and told him to make them gods which would go before them. Jehovah had done so much for them, and had performed so many signs and wonders; yet the people were ready to turn their backs on him, and begin worshipping idols.

Aaron said, “Break off the golden rings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.” So the people did as Aaron said. The gold was melted, then molded. Then with a graving tool, Aaron turned it into a golden calf. When this was done, the people were told, “These are thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.”

Aaron then told the people, “Tomorrow shall be a feast to Jehovah.” The next morning they were up early. Peace offerings and burnt offerings were brought. The word of God says, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” They wanted to worship in their own way, and they wanted to make it a “fun” act. The indications are their playing was not the type to make them better people, but to satisfy their own desires and pleasures.

God told Moses what was going on in camp. God wanted to destroy the people and make a great nation out of Moses’ descendants. Moses begged Jehovah not to destroy the Israelites and called attention to what the Egyptians would say. He also reminded God of his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God decided not to destroy the nation of Israel.

As Moses and Joshua were going down the mountain Joshua thought he heard the noise of battle in the camp. Moses said, “It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome; but the noise of them that sing do I hear.”

Moses was so angry with the people that he threw the tables of stone on the ground, which caused them to break.

Moses asked Aaron what the people had done to him to cause such a great sin. Aaron told Moses the people were set on evil, and that Moses knew that. He said that he had asked the people for their gold, which he, Aaron, cast into the fire, “and there came out this calf.” Aaron did not say anything about the graving tool being used. Moses had to plead with God to keep Him from destroying Aaron.

Moses ground the golden calf to powder and put it on the water of the brook and made the people drink the water. They drank that which had been their idol.

1. Where was Moses and why was he there?

2. Who knew what was going on in the camp?

3. What had the people asked of Aaron?

4. What did Aaron ask them for?

5. What was made out of gold?

6. What were the people told?

7. What was God’s reaction to what was happening in the camp?

8. Whom did Aaron blame?

9. What did Moses do with the calf?

10. What did God want to do to Aaron and who saved him?

Drawing to Color

Observations for Parents and Children
1. People have always had a tendency to do as they wanted, and call it worship to God. But God is pleased when He is worshipped according to His commands.

2. Moses pled for Israel, but Christ stands as the Mediator for Christians.

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