The Ten Commandments

A few older books useful in a study of The Ten Commandments

Histories of the Hebrew People:
Blaikie, William G. A Manual of Bible History. New ed., rev. New York. 1925.)

Burnside, W.F. Old Testament History for Use in School. 12th ed. Cambridge. 1904.

Caiger, Stephen L. Bible and Spade. An Introduction to Biblical Archaeology. Oxford. 1936.

Edersheim, Alfred. The Bible History. 7 vols. 1878.

Foakes-Jackson. The Biblical History of the Hebrews. 2nd ed. Cambridge. 1904.

Kent, Charles Foster. The Student’s Old Testament. New York. 1904-1927. 6 vols.

Osterley, W.O.E. and Robinson, F.H. A History of Israel. Vol. I. From the Exodus to the Fall of Jerusalem. 586 B.C. Oxford. 1932.

Sanders, A.P. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. 3 vols. Various editions.

Scoggie, W. Graham. Fascination of Old Testament Story. Philadelphia. 1930.

Wade, G.W. Old Testament History. London. 1900.

Commentaries On the Book of Exodus:
Chadwick, G.A. The Book of Exodus (In the Expositor’s Bible).

Driver, S.R. The Book of Exodus (in the Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges.)

Hertz, J.H. The Pentateuch and Haftorahs. Hebrew Text, English Translation. With Commentary. Exodus. London. 1935.

Keil, C.F. and Delitzsch, F. Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament, Vol. I. The Pentateuch, 415-501; and Vol. II, 1-260.

Lange, John Peter. Exodus (in the Lange series). English translation.

MacGregor, James. Exodus with Introduction, Commentaries, and Special Notes, etc.

McIntosh, C.H. Notes on the Book of Exodus.

McNeile, A.H. The Book of Exodus with Introduction and Notes (in the Westminister Commentaries). Second Edition, Revised Version. 1917.

Meyer, F.B. Exodus. London. 1911. 2 Vols. (In the Devotional Commentary series.)

Murphy, James G. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Exodus. 1872.

Parker, Joseph. The People’s Bible. Vol. II. The Book of Exodus.

Riley, W.B. The Bible of the Expositor and the Evangelist. Exodus. Cleveland. 1926.

Literature on the Ten Commandments:
(Note: the literature relating to the Ten Commandments is voluminous. The following represents what we believe to be among the best of the older books for the teacher and preacher studying this very important subject)

Andrewes, Lancelot. The Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine, an Exposition of the Ten Commandments (many editions).

Bird, C.S. Lectures on the Decalogue. London. 1845.

Boardman, George Dana. The Ten Commandments. A Course of Lectures Delivered before the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 1889.

Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses, Vol. I, 338-502; Vol. II, pp 472; Vol. III, pp. 5-201.

Caverno, Charles. The Ten Words. Boston. Chicago. 1899.

Charles, R.H. The Decalogue. Edinburgh. 1924.

Coffin, Henry Sloane. The Ten Commandments with a Christian Application to Present Conditions. New York. 1915.

Dale, R.W. The Ten Commandments. Fourth Edition. London. 1884.

Dykes, J. Oswald. The Law of the Ten Words. n.d. (Republished in The Household Library of Exposition. Has a good chapter on “The Second Great Commandment,” Lev. 19:18.)

Eyton, Robert. The Ten Commandments. Sermons Preached at Chelsen, Holy Trinity. London. 1895.

Farrar, F.W. The Voice from Sinai. The Eternal Bases of the Moral Law. London. New York. 1892. (A series of fifteen sermons preached at Westminister Abbey during November, 1891, and January, 1892.)

Fitzwater, P.B. “God’s Code of Morals Applied to the New Day.” Chicago. 1926.

Flowers, H.J. The Permanent Value of the Ten Commandments. London. 1927.

Golliday, Robert E. Sermons on the Ten Commandments.

Hastings, H.L. The Wonderful Law.

Hayes, John Alexander. The  Ten Commandments.

Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology, Vol. III, 259-465.

Hooper, W.L. The Code of the Spiritual.

Jackson, George. The Ten Commandments. New York. 1898.

Leathes, Stanley. The Foundation of Morality (1882).

Mason, Edward Beecher. The Ten Laws, a Foundation for human Society. New York. 1897.

Massee, J.G. The Gospel in the Ten Commandments. New York. Chicago. 1923.

Maurice, F.D. The Ten Commandments Considered as Instruments of National Reformation. London. 1866.

McAfee, Cleland Boyd. The Mosaic Law in Modern Life. New York. Chicago. 1906.

Milum, J. Parton. Do the Ten Commandments Stand Today? London. 1936.

Moody, D.L. Weighed and Wanting. Addresses on the Ten Commandments. 1898.

Morgan, G. Campbell. The Ten Commandments. New York. Chicago. 1901.

Peters, John P. Jesus Christ and the Old Commandments. New York. 1914.

Randolph, B.W. The Law of Sinai. Devotional Addresses on the Ten Commandments. London. New York. 1896.

Trumbull, H. Clay. The Ten Commandments as a Covenant of Love.

Wordsworth, Elizabeth. The Decalogue. London. 1893.

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