In His Name Devotionals

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12 NKJV)

The mental patient in the hospital swore as a Christian read a passage of Scripture to her. The child of God was surprised at the profanity, but excused her with the thought, “Poor Betty doesn’t know what she is saying.” The second commandment teaches that you should hold God’s Name in reverence; that you should use it in prayer, praise and thanksgiving. If you use God’s Name lightly you violate not only His holy law in the Old Testament, but also His will for you today, and frankly such an action is deserving of punishment.

It has been said, and perhaps rightly, that the American people are the most profane in the world. Many when questioned about their carelessness in the handling of God’s Holy Name will answer, “I don’t mean anything by it. I wasn’t thinking.” As a Christian you should stand ready to excuse the mental patient for his/her mistakes, but let it not be said of you, a normal, mentally sound person, that you use profane language in your daily conversation. Always keep in mind, “He will not hold us guiltless.”

Pray that God will help you always keep His Name sacred. Pray that God will give you grace to live in daily communion with Him so that some day you will hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

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