Time is difficult to find – Over the years, many of us have probably asked “how to study” and “why study” the Word of God. While these questions are important, nothing takes the place of simply doing it. Unfortunately, our entertainment conscious, fast-food, quick-fix society diverts us from setting aside time to study God’s Holy Word. Plus, Bible study is often not entertaining but hard work, requiring discipline to set aside daily time in order to reap the benefits such study offers.

Daily nourishment – It’s a fact of life: our health declines if we don’t nourish our bodies with food and water. That’s true physically and spiritually. If we neglect to regularly feed our soul on God’s Holy Word, our faith becomes weak and we begin to lose touch with our Savior and growth is stifled, if it happens at all.

Spiritual thoughts – We pray you will be “one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer” (James 1:25). May these devotional thoughts inspire your personal witness In His Name.


A Call to Depthness
A Confession
A Great Example
A New Identity
A Post-Christian Society
A Present
A Psalm of Praise
A Rainbow Remembered
A Religion Addiction
A Sense of Humor
A Small Village Says Thank You
A Soldier for Christ
A Spiritual Mother
A Spring In Our Step
A Time for Everything
A Troubled King
Accountability or Whining
Adorning the Doctrine of Christ
All Can Be Saved
All Christians Should Be Optimistic
All Things Are Possible Through Him
Always Feel God’s Presence
Amazing Grace
America’s Day of Deliverance
An Onion Is A Rose?
Appreciating God's Gifts
Are We Really People of the Book?
Are We Straw Men?
Are You a Living Bible?
Are You a Religion Addict?
Armor of God
At the Cross
Attitude Make a Difference
Backside of the Desert
Be a “Blessing” Dad
Be Holy
Be Someone’s Angel
Be Still
Bearing Fruit
Becoming Childlike
Being Godly
Believe In God
Believing the Promise
Benefits of Baptism
Benefits of the Lord’s Supper
Beyond the Temporal
Bible – God’s Holy Word
Biblical or Cultural
Biographers Needed
Blessing God
Bonding with God
Book of Joy
Can Being Right Ever Be Wrong?
Carpenter’s Cloth
Casting Lots
Child of God
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Christ Your Redeemer
Christian Ethics
Christian Living
Christianity Lite
Christmas Reflections
Church Business
Citizenship (1)
Citizenship (2)
Closer to Jesus
Clothes Don’t Make the Man
Colonizing Heaven
Comforting Words
Complementing Christ
Cost of Freedom
Death is Powerless, Within the Gospel
Denying Self
Desirable Friendships
Do Not Be Disturbed
Do Not Covet
Does It Pay to Pray?
Doing the Right Thing
Don’t Think God Can Use You?
Don't Worry, Be Happy
Draw Near to God
Drawn of God
Duty of Nations (A Day of Thanksgiving)
Embracing Truth
Essential Prayer
Eternal Inheritance
Exalting Christ
Examples and Heroes
Faith (1)
Faith (2)
Faith and Gratitude
Faith Lite
Faith to Move Mountains
Faith, Like a Child
Faithful Service
Family Bible Study
Family of God
Fatherhood of God
Fervent Praying
Fighting the Good Fight
Filled With the Holy Spirit
Fisherman Who Never Fished
Flowers for Jacob – Flowers for Jesus
Focus on Jesus
Follow Jesus
Follow Me
Footsteps of Jesus
Ford’s Model T
Forgiveness (1)
Forgiveness (2)
Forgiveness (3)
Forgiveness (4)
Forgiving Sins
Four Gardens
Friends Make a Difference
Fruit of Righteousness
Gain without Pain
Gift of God
Giving (1)
Giving (2)
Giving Our Best
Glorify God
God Bless America
God Can Use You
God Cares
God Is Awesome!
God the Father
God Turns Negative into Positive
Godly Joy
God’s Calling
God’s Concern vs My Comfort
God’s Face in Hiding
God’s Forgiveness
God’s Kingdom
God’s Love
God’s Love for Us, Our Love for Others
God’s Most Important Message
God’s Name
God’s Ownership
God’s Patience
God’s Power
God’s Power and Glory
God’s Preeminence
God’s Protection
God’s Purpose
God’s Questions
God’s Vision
God’s Warning and Promise
God’s Will (1)
God’s Will (2)
Good Soil Bears Good Crops
Gospel Hugging
Gospel of Mark
Gospel Power
Grace and Peace
Great Stone Face
Greatest Soldier of All
Handling Hecklers
Happy and Sad
Hard To Believe
Have Bible Will Travel
Heaven Is Our Home
Helping Others - Publicly or Secretly?
High Cost of Following Jesus
High Flight
Hippo Sunscreens
His Holy Name
Historical Paradox
Holiness (1)
Holiness (2)
Holy Scriptures Read Christologically
Holy Spirit
Honor God’s Name
Honor Your Parents
Humanity of Christ
If Only I Could See a Miracle
In Search of Joy
In the Evening
Inheritance in Christ
Invitation of Christ
Invite a Friend
Iraq in the Bible
Is Your Light Burning
It Is Amazing
Ivy or Oak
Jesus and Demons
Jesus At Home
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ – 21st Century Focus
Jesus Died to Save the World
Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
Jesus Was One of Us
Jesus Wept
Joy of Affection
Joy of Glorification
Joy of Intercession
Joy of Meditation
Joy of Participation
Joy of Pleasing God
Joy vs Happiness
Just Be Patient
Keep on Walking
Key to Evangelism
Kindred Spirit
Kingdom of God
Kiss of Blessing
Learning to Sacrifice
Leave Me Alone
Life After Death
Life Long Education
Life of Christ
Life’s Flight Attitude
Life’s Goal
Little Things
Live Each Day with Love
Living “The Story”
Living Pure
Lord Gives, the Lord Takes Away
Losing Joy
Loss of Faith
Love Is the Greatest
Love Never Fails (1)
Love Never Fails (2)
Love of Many
Love Your Neighbor
Making a Decision
Man to Man About Being a Son of God
Man’s Greatest Problem
Mark’s Gospel
Marriage & Family
Me, a Wrestler?
Modernism vs Postmodernism
Moralism – A Deadly Danger
Name Above All Names
Never Give Up
One Another
One Godly Woman
One Unsatisfied Desire
Ongoing or Finished
Open Door
Open Your Eyes
Our Adversary the Devil
Our Guiding Stars
Our Main Objective in Life
Our Value
Peace and Contentment in Life
Peace and Rest
Peace on Earth
Please, No More Lindas
Power Is Within the Gospel
Power of Love
Pray For Daily Bread
Pray For Godliness
Pray For the Kingdom
Pray For Workers
Pray To Be Spared Evil
Pray Without Ceasing
Prayer (1)
Prayer (2)
Prayer (3)
Prayer of Jabez
Praying According to God’s Word
Praying Aggressively
Praying by God’s Will
Praying for Brethren
Praying for Christ’s Rule
Praying With Commitment
Preaching Christ
Prescription for Insomnia
Priority of Life
Prosperity, Hope and a Future
Puppies for Sale
Pursuing Excellence
Putting First Things First
Putting God First
Quiet Time
Real Gain
Reality Roadmap
Receiving God’s Provisions
Recognizing False Servants
Rejoicing in the Search
Remember When?
Remembering Who We Are
Representing Jesus
Revisiting the Legacy
Reward for Service Rendered
Righteousness of the Righteous
Safely Home
Sawdust & Snakes
Science & Evolution
Second by Second
See the Light, Be the Light, Send the Light
Seeing Jesus
Seeing Yourself
Seek the Lord
Seek Ye First
Seeker-Sensitive Movement
Seen From the Cross
Self-Centered Prayer
Serving God
Shadow of His Wings
Significance of Baptism
Sinful Woman
So the Little Lambs Won’t Have to Die
Someone Cares
Someone Who Will Forgive
Something to Think About
Son of God
Song of Angels
Soul Security
Sovereignty of God
Speak Truth
Spirit of Wisdom
Spiritual Enemies
Spiritual Enlightenment
Spiritual Integrity
Spiritual Leaders
Spiritual Life
Spiritual Resources
Spiritual Stability
Steerage Passenger
Sunday Earthquake
Sunday School Leader
Sweeter As the Years Go By
Swift to Hear, Slow to Act
Synoptic Gospels and John
Taught of God
Tear from God’s Eye
Telling vs Living?
Ten Ways to Live More Spiritually
Therapy vs Repentance
Think Faith
This Is Not Your Rest
Three R’s of Religion
To Be Like Jesus
Toward Understanding God
Trust God
Trusting Faith
Trusting God’s Power
Ultimate Fulfillment
Ultimate Source
Unceasing Prayer
Uncompromising Prayer
Understanding God’s Will
Universal Love of God
Unlimited Prayer
Unto These Hills
Vessels of Gold
Virtuous Woman Had Help
Walk Worthy of Christ
Want vs Need
Watered Down Christianity
We Can Know How to Have Eternal Life
We Do Not Understand
We Mortals Have a Problem
We’re Being Watched
Were You There?
What Can God Do Through You?
What Crosses Are Good For
What Kind of God Do You Believe In?
What Makes A Person Great?
What Matters Most
What Really Matters
What’s In a Name?
When Temptation Comes
When You Don’t Know What to Pray For
Who or What Am I? (01)
Who or What Am I? (02)
Who or What Am I? (03)
Who or What Am I? (04)
Who or What Am I? (05)
Who or What Am I? (06)
Who or What Am I? (07)
Who or What Am I? (08)
Who or What Am I? (09)
Who or What Am I? (10)
Who or What Am I? (11)
Who’s Minding Our Children? (1)
Who’s Minding Our Children? (2)
Who’s Minding Our Children? (3)
Who’s Minding Our Children? (4)
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People
Why Pray
Wife of Noble Character
Wilderness About Jordan
Will I Ever Grow Up
Will of God
Wind Beneath My Wings
Wise Men of Today
Wishing Life Away
Withstand Temptation
Wonder of Flowing Water
Words of Jesus
Work of John the Baptist
Working Out Your Salvation
Worship is Surrender
Worthy of the Vocation
You Can Do All Things
You’re Never Alone
You’ve Got Mail
Your High Priest
Your Redeemer

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