In His Name Devotionals

“O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” (Matthew 26:39 NKJV)

God is good. He wouldn’t have given us bodies that stay so strong in spite of the terrible diseases around this world if He weren’t. He wouldn’t have given you best friends, if He weren’t. Many times He is good to you in ways you don’t even know. He gives you the courage to go to the dentist and avoid getting a terrible toothache. He teaches you to love one another so you have friends instead of making enemies.

Sometimes it looks as if the thing God wants you to do is going to hurt you and make things come out all wrong. Many times you perhaps desire to do things God has forbidden because it looks as if doing them will be best for you. But Christians know that God’s way will always be best in the long run.

It certainly looked as if avoiding the cross would be best for Jesus. But doing God’s will by suffering and dying made Jesus’ greatest victory possible. No matter how hard it may be to do God’s will at the moment, that is the way to real success and victory. That is why you need to always pray that you may do God’s will.

Pray that your kind, loving Heavenly Father, Who knows so well what is best for you, may help you in humble obedience to His great goodness and wisdom and to help you always have the faith to do His will in spite of earthly fear of the immediate consequences.

“…Serving together as God directs” (Philippians 1:27 NKJV).

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