In His Name Devotionals

There is an old fable about seven men trekking across a wasteland. As they came to a dried-up creek bed on a moonless night, they were startled to hear a voice calling to them out of the thick darkness. The unidentified voice invited them to pick up stones from the creek bed as they crossed and then journey on as far as possible before dawn. At daylight, the voice said, they would see what they had gathered—and be both happy and sad.

With a sense of bewilderment and at some risk in the dark night, they did as they had been told. When the first streaks of light appeared in the eastern sky, the men eagerly looked into the bags where the rocks were stashed, instead of the jagged, dirty stones they thought they stashed, they discovered precious jewels.

Then they understood the strange words they had heard the night before: “You will be both happy and sad.” They were delighted because of their unforeseen bounty. Yet they looked at each other with a sense of dejection when they realized they could have picked up so much more.

Will we have a similar feeling when we pass through the dark night of our trials and stand with the Lord in heaven? Will we be happy to see how God has turned our temporal experiences into heavenly reward but sad about the opportunities we overlooked? Appreciation left unexpressed? Words or notes of encouragement left unwritten? Laughter unshared? Talks with family without TV interruptions? Visits with elderly or shut-in people? People we didn’t invite to church? Words about Jesus Christ left unspoken?

Jesus has told us that even the smallest things done in the most unlikely and overlooked of settings count. Providing food to the hungry or hope to a prisoner is computed as service to Jesus Himself (Matt. 25:31-46).

As you proceed through this day, watch for the little opportunities to do holy things. Though they may seem plan and ordinary at the moment, the dawn of eternity will reveal their worth in God’s eyes. And you will be happy and sad.

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