In His Name Devotionals

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)

The Christian’s work and witness for Christ is based on the foundation of holy living. No holy living, however, can be achieved apart from the Spirit of God. You may be sure that holiness of life can come only as you follow the leading of the Spirit of God; study and strive to obey God’s Holy Word, the Bible. Attempts to attain holiness of life by any other means can result only in dreadness or self-righteousness. Holiness is possible only through the grace of God.

Another truth which you need to realize is that as a Christian you are led by the Spirit of God; not driven or pushed. You are not driven by brute force, not treated as a machine or as a beast of burden, but as a reasonable creature. Those who are led by the Spirit of God are those who spend time studying the Holy Word of God; they are builders in God’s Kingdom, working diligently and without selfishness, even in spite of discouragements, always praying that God’s will may be done in all things. Those who live thus are blessed with a sense of mission in life, under the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit. Such a life walking close to God is a most richly rewarding experience.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in your heart. Ask God to enlighten and lead you by His gifts, enabling your will to follow God’s leading in all things.

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