In His Name Devotionals

“But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; not by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.” (Matthew 5:34-35 NKJV)

As a result of tragic shootings and terrible killings by two young boys in a Colorado school, reporters are once again interviewing people both in newspapers and on television who are saying, “It’s time we get back to God. We need to return to prayer.”

By keeping God locked up like a little used garment in the clothes-closet, some have profaned the Name of God—that Name which is above every name. The power of God needs desperately to be felt throughout America and the world. God’s power will be felt as Christians give their lives as clay to be shaped in the divine mold or God’s eternal will. No greater honor can be attributed to the Creator of all that is good and true, just and eternal, than your willing submission to His will.

A lady sat on a bus in London, England, reading her Bible. When asked if she thought God would more willingly help her because of it, she replied, “No, not especially. But I will be more able to help God.” His Name is honored in willing obedience and service.

Thank God for His great love; His care and His concern for you and all mankind. Pray that you will always love and serve Him day by day, through all your words and actions.

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