In His Name Devotionals

“Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.” (Colossians 3:19 NKJV)

Theodore Roosevelt said, “He has done a great work, who has gained the love of a good woman, and has succeeded in holding her throughout a lifetime.” Sometimes the casual acceptance of the labor of love on the part of a life-partner puts a heavy and unnecessary burden upon home relationships.

The implication in the above verse seems to be that the excuse of inconstancy comes from the husband as the stronger of the two. If this is true it necessitates some careful thinking on the part of husbands.

Are you the husband of a good woman? If so, she is yours to love, honor, respect, and protect from all that is harsh and destructive. This cannot be accomplished casually or unthinkingly, but by a depth of abiding affection which slowly moulds two personalities into a family. If, as the husband, you can tenderly work toward this accomplishment, then its fulfillment is assured.

It is the business of every husband to make a success of his home. The home that is established to the glory of God, and in which is found honor, respect, and tender affection is never in danger of disintegration. May your home be such a home.

Pray that Almighty God will give you strength, courage, constant and tender affection toward your wife. Pray that God will help you keep alive in your home an active faith in Him that your home over which you preside may be ideal in its purpose and accomplishments.

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