In His Name Devotionals

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1 NKJV)

John 14:1-4 are very comforting words to remember. No matter the problem(s), our faith will sustain us if we remember and believe God’s Promise.

No person is exempt from problems of the World, with family, job and all walks of life. Often in life we want something real bad; something out of reach for one reason or another. How often does something happen that makes us realize we were really better off without it?

God always answers prayers, but does not always answer the way we might desire.

The Apostle Paul is a favorite Bible personality. Consider the missionary journeys of Paul in the Book of Acts. Why did God choose Paul; a person that was persecuting Christians and throwing them in jail because he thought they were wrong?

Perhaps God chose Paul to demonstrate that a person can change. Once Paul was converted he was a staunch believer. Paul was always humble and referred to himself as the least of the Apostles because of his background. God proved to Paul on the road to Damascus that He is the Almighty and Paul became a very powerful Apostle.

A person must learn to control their emotions and temper. Everyone needs God’s help for this. In today’s society the majority of people put their trust in money and things, which always leads to an awakening in times of trouble, when they find out there is a greater power.

Have you ever felt like the world was tumbling down on you? It helps to remember the words in John 14:1-4 and become aware that this too will pass—if our trust is in God.

When our children are upset about something that might happen, we need to remind them that God is still in command and no matter what happens the sun will rise the next day, as always. Yes, it might be cloudy and stormy, and the sun might not be visible for a while, but it will rise, and the clouds and storm will pass.

John 14:1-4 is a great comfort in times of need, if we trust in God.

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