In His Name Devotionals

“Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.” (John 14:9 NKJV)

“Three men went down the road Down the road went He The man we saw The man He was And the man he ought to be” This rhyme communicates a great truth. Pretending is a normal child’s game but becomes very dangerous when carried into adulthood. Unfortunately, our culture doesn’t help. Society encourages us to “Do our own thing.” Perception is elevated and becomes “our personal truth,” leaving nothing absolute—not even right and wrong.

All these mixed signals from our popular culture tend to obscure our vision, or at least confuse the issue. Vision is key —without it we loose our focus and become twisted and turned by the moment, unsure of our identity. For example, if a person is turned toward popularity they become like a mirror, reflecting what is necessary to gain acceptance. Or consider power. A person twisted in this way becomes like a lion with recognition as their prey, and people become the prize. In a similar way, if a person turns to pleasure they become like a thrill seeker, living for stimulation and racing for the next endorphin release—the next sensation.

What do you see in yourself? Are you the person others see? Are you the same person you were years ago? Are you the person you ought to be? It all boils down to vision. What do you see? Popularity? Power? Pleasure?

It’s only in seeing Jesus that we become the people we “ought to be.” Everything else leads to unfulfillment. When we see Jesus, the reason for death gives purpose to life. When we see Jesus, tomorrow is a welcomed partner full of a certainty that only His children can know. When we see Jesus, time looses its grip on eternity and we loose our grasp of things temporary.

Who do you see?

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