In His Name Devotionals

“Then Jesus arrived from Galilee at the Jordan coming to John, to be baptized by him” (Matthew 3:13, NASB).

Jesus’ baptism teaches us obedience. It was His Father’s will, to which Jesus gladly submitted. By learning obedience (Hebrews 5:8-9), our precious Lord provided us with an insight into what pleases God. To follow His example—to be like Jesus, our baptism as well as our life must be a surrender to God’s will.

Jesus’ baptism teaches us humility. The sinful baptized the sinless. The inferior baptized the superior (Matthew 3:13- 17). To be like Jesus, we must be more concerned about God’s will than our own image.

Jesus’ baptism teaches us that obedience pleases our Father. When Jesus was baptized God was not just pleased—He was well pleased. To be like Jesus, we, too, will seek to please our loving Father by being obedient.

Though we cannot be baptized just like He was, we can be like Him by obeying God for the same reason Jesus did. So let us be more like our precious Savior and ask, “What is the will of God for me today, that I may obey it just as Jesus obeyed His Father’s will for Him?”

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