In His Name Devotionals

“The Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” (Romans 8:26)

Have you ever been in a situation that just seemed hopeless and you felt helpless? Have you prayed prayers that didn’t seem to get answered? At least not the answers you were hoping for? What do you do then? What is your next step?

He was eighteen when his father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He studied about the disease and knew the severity and probable course it would take. Still, he prayed for the Lord to heal his father. After surgery, treatment, and consultations, the inevitable became clear—the illness was terminal.

His family, friends and the church continued to pray prayers for healing. Everyone believed that God could give him a miracle if that was His will. But, after weeks and months it appeared that he would not receive that miracle. What then should be prayed for?

His mother shared Romans 8:26-27 with him. She said: “When you don’t know what to pray for or can’t find the words to express your feelings, ask for the Holy Spirit, who lives in all Christians, to pray for you.”

When he took this next step, the results were amazing. No, his father wasn’t healed, but the youngster could now accept the loss. His mother and sisters also received a calm and peace which enabled them to “let go,” because they understood that for a Christian, there is a life far better than this one—waiting on the other side.

No, things weren’t easy or painless. The family grieved and missed him terribly, but they had strength and comfort from each other and from the Holy Spirit.

Yes, he still misses his father. There are things he wishes he could share with him and tell him, but Romans 8:28 says, “ all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” His mother remarried a wonderful Christian man whom he came to love and who came to love him and his whole family.

There are many times when we do not know what to pray for and in those times we need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us. The outcome may sometimes be different than what we might pray for, but we’ll find great comfort in the knowledge that God will see us through—His will be done.

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