In His Name Devotionals

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” (Colossians 3:18 NKJV)

This verse (coupled with verse 19—see devotional titled, “Husband”), gives regulations for both husband and wife in the marriage relationship. Today’s devotion centers on verse 18.

This does not imply a burying of personality and abject servitude, but rather a constant growth into the fullness of the service of love.

Sarah could call Abraham lord for two reasons. She loved him, and was a firm believer in God. Thus her spirit, unmarried by selfishness, sin or deceit, was free to grow into an ideal relationship with him.

Thus the first requirement for a wife is Christian purity. A Christian wife or husband cannot truly submit unto God, while at the same time retaining cause for shame.

Here then two ideals are set up for the wife to attain.

First, a freedom of spirit and buoyancy of personality that is possible only to a believer in Jesus Christ. Second, the application of this free and buoyancy of personality to the holding of a husband and the building of a home.

There is so much that is fine and good in family relationships that can be inspired by a sincere service of love on the part of the wife that it is worthy of careful study and sincere application.

Pray that God will cleanse and keep pure your mind and spirit. Ask God for help so that you may sincerely apply the refining qualities of pure personalities to your home relationships and thus be enabled, through God’s help, to raise those relationships to the highest ideals possible.

“…Serving together as God directs” (Philippians 1:27 NKJV).

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