In His Name Devotionals

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)

“I’m eleven now, but when I was 6 years old something happened that will always be with me. I remember it so clearly. My grandmother was taken to the hospital one morning. I did not think that it was anything serious at all because she had not been sick. That day, I was staying with my cousin next door when my dad came and got us and wanted to talk to us alone. My dad sat us both on each knee and told us that grandmother had died that day of a heart attack. At first, I thought he was kidding us, but he was not. I stayed at my cousin’s house for the next few days. It seemed like forever before I got to see mom because she was busy with my papa.

“Just the other day my dad took me to grandmother’s grave for the first time, and we took pictures standing by her grave. You are probably thinking that I was real sad doing this, but I wasn’t. I know that grandmother is in heaven now having a ball and waiting on the rest of us. God has been beside me through the death of my grandmother and He is still with me because I miss her. Losing grandmother made me realize that I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me. This was my grandmother’s favorite Bible verse and now it is mine.

“If you lose a grandmother or a granddaddy remember you can get through all things with God’s help.”

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