In His Name Devotionals

“You’ve got mail,” the deep, synthetic voice says from my computer. A few clicks and there are my good friend’s words, written late last night from a far away place.

Even among the best-of-friends, it’s just not proper to call up on the phone at one o’clock in the morning to complain that something isn’t right at home; a new job is not working out; a car broke down; etc. But electronic mail is something else entirely. Any time of the day or night, we can get these and many other things off our chest.

How to respond? The screen looks empty. No one trains friends to be Ann Landers. “So glad to hear from you” may sound as if we’re pleased to know our friend has problems. “Wish I could help” probably admits that we’re useless. Is “I’ll pray for you” really a comfort to a lonely and tired friend? Beginning to sound like we need help!

Perhaps these thoughts will help:

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.”

May His presence bring joy … His joy bring renewed strength … His strength bring health. May He touch you to-day. I love you.

In closing it seems proper to add words from Matthew: “Don’t worry. You are being taken care of;” and from Nehemiah 8:10, “…The joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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