In His Name Devotionals

“Found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”(Philippians 2:8)

Uniforms have always intrigued some of us, and we can even remember our first one. What was your first uniform like? Was it maybe a white tee shirt with powder blue neck and sleeves that had the printing company name emblazoned across the chest? Were the pants perhaps powder blue baseball pants and a little too big? Was the hat powder blue, with the company logo on the forepart? Spikes? Of course, the league ruled rubber.

Remember the day those uniforms were first passed out? Remember how you couldn’t wait to get home, put it on, and view your commanding presence in the mirror? In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we had transformed ourselves from average 4th graders, to rather imposing baseball players. The world lay at our doorstep. There would be catches to make, hits to pound, and bases to steal. Life was good.

At that early age it was what we put on that made us different. For Jesus, it was what He took off that made Him unique. Think about it. The King of Kings left the right hand of God, the beauty of Heaven, and the opulence of royalty to walk in our shoes. He gave up everything to come to earth as a baby born in a stable, under circumstances worse than the least of us have ever experienced. Did you ever wonder why? Why not the uniform of the king? Could it be because He wants us to love Him and not the uniform? Could it be that His life was to be more about service, and less about being served. Could it be that He wants us to be swayed by His message and His gift rather than the trappings of His wealth? You can count on it.

Yes, most of us will never forget the first uniform we put on. But how many of us remember the one Jesus took off?

Let everyone “confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

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